- Artificial Intelligence: A.I. (2001) / AI / directed by Steven Spielberg
- Donnie Darko (2001) / ドニー・ダーコ / directed by Richard Kelly
- 28 Days Later (2002) / 28日後 / directed by Danny Boyle
- Minority Report (2002) / マイノリティー・リポート / directed by Steven Spielberg
- Solaris (2002) / ソラリス / directed by Steven Soderbergh
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spot (2004) / エターナル・サンシャイン / directed by Michel Gondry
- War of the Worlds (2005) / 宇宙戦争 / directed by Steven Spielberg
- Serenity (2005) / セレニティー / directed by Joss Whedon
- Children of Men (2006) / トゥモロー・ワールド / directed by Alfonso Cuaron
- Sunshine (2007) / サンシャイン 2057 / directed by Danny Boyle
- WALL-E (2008) / ウォーリー / directed by Andrew Stanton
- The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) / 地球が静止する日 / directed by Scott Derrickson
- District 9 (2009) / 第9地区 / directed by Neil Blomkamp
- Moon (2009) / 月に囚われた男 / directed by Duncan Jones
- Avatar (2009) / アバター / directed by James Camelon