- A Boy and His Dog (1975) / 少年と犬 / directed by L. Q. Jones
- Death Race 2000 (1975) / デス・レース2000年 / directed by Paul Bartel
- Rollerball (1975) / ローラーボール / directed by Norman Jewison
- The Stepford Wives (1975) / ステップフォードの妻たち / directed by Bryan Forbes
- Logan’s Run (1976) / 2300年未来への旅 / directed by Michael Anderson
- The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976) / 地球に落ちて来た男 / directed by Nicholas Roeg
- Star Wars (1976) / スターウォーズ / directed by George Lucas
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) / 未知との遭遇 / directed by Steven Spielberg
- Demon Seed (1977) / デモン・シード / directed by Donald Cammel
- Capricorn One (1978) / カプリコーン1 / directed byPeter Hyams
- Invasion of the Body Snatch (1978) / SF/ボディ・スナッチャー / directed by Philip Kaufman
- Allian (1979) / エイリアン / directed by Ridley Scott