- Altered States (1980) / アルタード・ステーツ/未知への挑戦 / directed by Ken Russell
- Star Wars Episode V : the Empire Strike (1980) / スター・ウォーズ エピソード5/帝国の逆襲 / directed by Irvin Kershner
- Flash Gordon (1980) / フラッシュ・ゴードン / directed by Mike Hodges
- Escape from New York (1981) / ニューヨーク1997 / directed by John Carpenter
- Outland (1981) / アウトランド / directed by Peter Hyams
- Scanners (1981) / スキャナーズ / directed by David Cronenberg
- Blade Runner (1982) / ブレード・ランナー / directed by Ridley Scott
- E.T. Extra Terrestrials (1982) / ET / directed by Steven Spielberg
- The Road Warrior (1982) / マッドマックス2 / directed by George Miller
- Star Trek 2 : The Wrath of Kohn (1982) / スタートレックⅡ カーンの逆襲 / directed by Nicholas Meyer
- The Thing (1982) / 遊星からの物体X / directed by John Carpenter
- Tron (1982) / トロン / directed by Steve Lisberger
- Videodrome (1983) / ビデオドローム / directed by David Cronenberg
- WarGames (1983) / ウォー・ゲーム / directed by Jihn Badham
- 1984 (1984) / 1984 / directed by Michael Radford
- The Adventures of Buckarroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984) / バカルー・バンザイの8次元ギャラ / directed by W. D. Richter
- The Brother from Another Planet (1984) / ブラザー・フロム・アナザー・プラネット / directed by John Sayles
- The Terminator (1984) / ターミネーター / directed by James Cameron
- Back to the Future (1985) / バックトゥーザフューチャー / directed by Robert Zemeckis
- Brazil (1985) / 未来世紀ブラジル / directed by Terry Gilliam
- Cocoon (1985) / コクーン / directed by Ron Howard
- Enemy Mine (1985) / 第5惑星 / directed by Wolfgang Peterson
- Allians (1986) / エイリアン2 / directed by James Cameron
- The Fly (1986) / ザ・フライ / directed by David Cronenberg
- The Hidden (1987) / ヒドゥン / directed by Jack Sholder
- Predator (1987) / プレデター / directed by John McTiernan
- Robocop (1987) / ロボコップ / directed by Paul Verhoeven
- Akira (1988) / アキラ / directed by Katsuhiro Ohtomo
- They Live (1988) / ゼイリブ / directed by John Carpenter
- The Abyss (1989) /アビス / directed by James Cameron